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Grilled Cheese Sandwich recipe easy

The secret to creating the perfect grilled cheese sandwich lies elsewhere as well (mayonnaise and butter, together at last). On the stove, too. It takes a little patience to get a golden, crusty outside and an oozy inside because if the heat is too high, the outside will burn before the cheese melts. The cheese gets off to a good start when the slices are initially cooked separately. It's not necessary to go for artisanal bread or local cheese, though doing so won't hurt, and handmade mayonnaise should never be used. As the cheese melts, you can drizzle it with mustard, chutney, or even strawberry jam. You can even add ham, prosciutto, apple, or tomato slices (drain on paper towels first). Any melting cheese, such as American, Muenster, or Swiss, but not too much; the balance of the bread and cheese is one of the things that makes this dish wonderful.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich recipe

preparation time:

5 min

Total Time

20 minutes

Grilled Cheese Sandwich recipe easy
Grilled Cheese Sandwich recipe easy


  • 1 sandwich's yield
  • 2 pieces of bread, preferably large peasant-style slices or soft sandwich squares, no thicker than 1/2 inch
  • Butter\mayonnaise
  • Depending on the size of the bread, 1 to 2 ounces of shredded cheddar (or other cheese).

Preparation Method

Step 1

Over low heat, warm a large pan.

Step 2

Each slice of bread should have butter thinly smeared on one side. Place the bread, mayonnaise-side down, in the pan after spreading the other side of each piece with mayonnaise. Over the slices with butter, distribute the cheese in a uniform layer. So that the bread gently sizzles, adjust the heat.

Step 3

 Flip one piece of cheese over on top of the other and lightly push to melt when the cheese is about halfway melted. Turn the sandwich over, gently pressing each side, until it is compact, the cheese is melted, and both sides are crusty.

Nutrition Facts (per serving) of a cheese sandwich









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